Sunday 13 December 2015

Spirals of Light: Winter Advent Spiral and Solstice

Winter ~ Solstice ~ Mother Night with her Star ChildrenSPIRALS OF LIGHT:

Advent is a time to celebrate the light and new life within the earth, in us and each other in this time of darkness. During the ceremony of an advent spiral, we come together in the mood of wonder and quiet confidence and bring the light from within us to share with one another in the deep stillness. As Steiner describes it:

"nature sinks into the earth at winter and at night...the human soul must be turning in its inner core that is to say in its inner self to find in it even greater cosmic force that will enable it to renew itself; this force is the force of the universe."

We watch as each child, supported by our intention, follows the spiral with the plants, crystals, like sparkling stars, animals and humans that support her/ him on their inner journey to light through an experience that is beyond words.

"In the advent garden dark the night below
Earth is waiting, waiting, waiting for the stars to glow."

There are four weeks of advent, each week representing a different kingdom of the earth and honoured by us with the spiral of life:

"The first light of advent is the light of stones; the light of crystals, sea shells and bones
The second light of advent is the light of plants; plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes they dance
The third light of advent is the light of beasts; the light of hope we see in the greatest and the least
The fourth light of advent is the light of humankind; the light of love, of thought; to give and understand"

As we approach the solstice, we celebrate the fourth light of humankind and acknowledge each others grace and wisdom; our unique pathways that lead us to ignite our soul.

"May wisdom flow through me, may love glow within me, may strength penetrate me, that in me may arise a helper of mankind, a servant of holy things; selfless and true."

The fourth week is celebrating our love for ourselves and one another. Some ideas to think of for this week:

*Make a conscious effort to speak the truth in love!
*Seek love without judgement- yourself and others
*Encourage someone today
*Be patient toady
*Be hospitable in your home
*Tell someone what you are grateful to them for

And take this time to nourish yourself and your family and enjoy each others company and the effort and love you give one another at this time of year!

As we come to the Winter Solstice we celebrate the return of the sun; the seed of the earth is planted. The shortest day and the longest night. The Goddess gives birth to the sun king, the divine child, who rises again, Like King Arthur awaking from his mountain sleep when his people need him, or as Christians see it, the Son is born again from Mother Mary from God.
The light is ignited and the soul of the earth is born once more.

Fire festivals have always been celebrated at this time of year. Along with the summer solstice, its counterpart, the winter solstice is the oldest celebrated festival. Many ancient structures such as Stone Henge, and NewGrange were built to acknowledge the importance of this festival of light.

We decorate our homes and advent spirals with evergreens in gratitude for nature who will be green again.

So love to you all and may you shine on through the winter in your own perfect ways!

What is within: